Case Study- Adolescent white male without health insurance seeking medical care for STI

Case Study- Adolescent white male without health insurance seeking medical care for STI

The identified patient is an adolescent white male seeking medical care for a sexually transmitted infection (STI), necessitating a healthcare provider’s approach characterized by sensitivity and empathy. Given the delicate nature of the topic, effective communication is paramount. Approaching the patient at their level, introducing myself as the nursing practitioner, and using accessible language to alleviate anxiety are crucial elements in establishing a connection (Price, 2017). Recognizing potential limitations in the patient’s communication, questions may be directed towards the caregiver, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s health (Fagundes et al., 2022).

The patient interview entails an initial approach with an introduction and handshake, signaling individual attention and importance to the adolescent. In cases where a guardian is present, extending this gesture to them reinforces a patient-centric environment. Considering the patient’s age, gender, race/ethnicity, and culture, the conversation for medical history should be tailored. For an adolescent male seeking care for an STI, providing a private and comfortable environment is essential, accompanied by the use of age-appropriate language when discussing sexual health (Ball et al., 2021). Additionally, awareness of potential cultural or language barriers ensures effective communication.

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NURS 6512 Discussion: Building a Health History

Tailoring questions based on the patient’s socioeconomic determinants of health is imperative for obtaining relevant information. Inquiring about sexual orientation, gender identity, living situation, healthcare access, and insurance coverage helps build a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s unique situation. This personalized approach aligns with the goal of providing equitable healthcare (Price, 2017). Furthermore, to assess the patient’s risk for STIs, employing risk assessment instruments such as the Sexual Health History Questionnaire (SHHQ) and CDC screening recommendations for sexually active adolescents and young adults is prudent (Ball et al., 2021; Fagundes et al., 2022).

Recognizing the heightened susceptibility of teenage males to STIs due to inadequate sexual education and low condom usage, addressing potential health-related risks is paramount (Ball et al., 2021). The absence of health insurance introduces challenges, potentially leading to delayed medical care and exacerbated health outcomes. As a healthcare provider, offering guidance on safe sex practices and informing the patient about available affordable or free healthcare options in the community is essential (Price, 2017). This comprehensive approach aims to address the immediate health concerns while empowering the patient with information and support.

Targeted Questions

To ensure effective communication, I would begin by identifying the patient’s communication preferences, which may include their preferred language, educational level, developmental status, and personal comfort level. Based on the SHHQ, I would ask the following targeted questions to assess the patient’s sexual risk behaviors:

  • Have you ever had unprotected sex?
  • Have you ever had a previous STI diagnosis?
  • Do you have multiple sexual partners?
  • Have you had sex with someone who has an STI?
  • Do you use condoms consistently during sexual activity?
  • Case Study- Adolescent white male without health insurance seeking medical care for STI


Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., Flynn, J. A., Solomon, B. S., & Stewart, R. W. v(2021). Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination-E-Book: An Interprofessional Approach. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Fagundes, C. P., Wu-Chung, E. L., & Christian, L. M. (2022). Special issue: Social Determinants of Health: What we still need to know. Psychoneuroendocrinology140, 105713.

Price, B. (2017). Developing patient rapport, trust and therapeutic relationships. Nursing Standard31(50).

Hi xx

Great post.

Indeed, the age of the adolescent white male is a crucial factor that can influence the approach and sensitivity in addressing the topic. Recognizing the potential discomfort in discussing sexual activity in the presence of parents is a valid concern, as adolescents may hesitate to provide honest answers in such situations. The National Coalition for Sexual Health’s guidance on framing questions is valuable, offering a respectful and non-intrusive approach to discussing sexual health (NCSH, 2022).

Impaired Social Interaction Care Plan

The suggested annual questions align well with the targeted questions outlined in the case study, providing a comprehensive framework to assess the patient’s sexual health. These questions encompass the patient’s recent sexual activity, past experiences, and the types of sexual activities engaged in, considering diverse gender identities. Open-ended questions can indeed be instrumental in encouraging the patient to share more details and feelings, fostering a more open and communicative environment during the medical encounter (Price, 2017).

The mention of inquiring about insurance is crucial, as highlighted by the CDC (2022). Understanding the patient’s insurance status is vital in addressing potential barriers to accessing STD testing, especially for young individuals without insurance or transportation. This consideration aligns with the broader goal of providing accessible and equitable healthcare, addressing the patient’s unique circumstances (Price, 2017).

In summary, tailoring the approach based on the patient’s age, employing non-intrusive questioning techniques, and addressing practical considerations like insurance status contribute to a more effective and patient-centered interaction. This approach not only acknowledges the sensitivity of the topic but also aims to create an environment where the patient feels comfortable and supported in discussing their health concerns.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, April 12). Adolescents and stds. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved March 4, 2023, from

For healthcare providers: NCSH. National Coalition for Sexual Health. (2022). Retrieved March 4, 2023, from Case Study- Adolescent white male without health insurance seeking medical care for STI

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