Scott Becker shadow health Transcript

Scott Becker shadow health Transcript

Scott Becker shadow health Transcript

Greetings, my name is xxx, and I will be conducting your interview and examination.
Greeting: 09/18/23 1:54 PM EDT
What brings you here today?
Opening Question
09/18/23 1:55 PM EDT
I’ve been grappling with severe stomach pain, persistent fatigue, and alarming instances of vomiting blood. Recognizing the seriousness of these symptoms, I felt it was imperative to seek medical attention.
I sympathize with your situation…
Values are consistent with baseline measurements. Continue transfusion and observation.
Follow-up Question
09/30/23 6:13 PM EDT
You’ve been in the room with the patient for fifteen minutes. Check the patient’s vitals and make note of any changes from your baseline observation.

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Exam Action

09/30/23 6:13 PM EDT

The patient’s initial vitals were: Temp 37.0° C; BP 110/98; HR 110; RR 20; O2 Sat 97%.

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:13 PM EDT

The patient’s current vitals are: Temp 37.1° C; BP 111/97; HR 108; RR 20; O2 Sat 97%.

Follow-up Question

09/30/23 6:13 PM EDT

Scott Becker, how are you feeling?

Patient Response

09/30/23 6:13 PM EDT

Scott: Still hanging around. I still don’t feel any different, which I guess is good.

Having observed the patient for fifteen minutes, with no adverse reactions, the transfusion rate has been increased to 200 mL/hr.

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:13 PM EDT

Select the following option that explains why you increased the transfusion rate after the first fifteen minutes.

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:13 PM EDT

The transfusion rate is increased because it allows for the greatest balance between patient safety and completing the transfusion within the four-hour window for transfusions.

Follow-up Question

09/30/23 6:15 PM EDT


Follow-up Question

09/30/23 6:16 PM EDT

After adjusting the transfusion rate, check in with the patient following the hospital’s guidelines for patient observation during transfusions. Keep in mind that these policies may vary from location to location, so it is best practice to familiarize yourself with these standards whenever working in a new facility.

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Exam Action

09/30/23 6:16 PM EDT

How are you feeling, Mr. Becker?

Patient Response

09/30/23 6:16 PM EDT

Scott: I’m still here, and I’m definitely feeling better than before.

Post-patient report, auscultate the patient’s lungs.

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:16 PM EDT

Auscultated all areas; all areas clear and no adventitious sounds.

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:16 PM EDT

The patient reports no signs of a transfusion reaction. The patient’s lung sounds are clear, and there are no adventitious sounds.

Follow-up Question

09/30/23 6:16 PM EDT

Why is it important to auscultate the patient’s lungs during a blood transfusion?

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:16 PM EDT

Choose the option that best answers the question.

Rachel Adler Subjective Data Collection

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:16 PM EDT

Excess fluid in the bloodstream can exit the bloodstream in the lungs, which can present audibly when the lungs are auscultated.

Follow-up Question

09/30/23 6:19 PM EDT

Preceptor Diana: Before we transfer the patient to surgery for his endoscopy, please answer the following questions:

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:19 PM EDT

Continue to monitor vital signs and do not leave the patient.

Follow-up Question

09/30/23 6:22 PM EDT

Preceptor Diana: If the patient’s temperature had increased by five degrees during the first fifteen minutes of observation, what actions should you immediately take?

Stop the transfusion immediately and change all IV tubing.

Follow-up Question

09/30/23 6:26 PM EDT

Preceptor Diana: After you have stopped the transfusion and changed all the IV tubing for a patient experiencing a possible transfusion reaction, what are the next steps you should take?

Notify the blood bank and the provider of the reaction. Continue to monitor the patient. Save the blood bag and tubing and send it to the blood bank. Obtain urinalysis and send it to the lab to check for hemoglobin.

Follow-up Question

09/30/23 6:30 PM EDT


Follow-up Question

09/30/23 6:31 PM EDT

Preceptor Diana: Please answer these last three questions in your own words. When answering, remember your scope of practice and the materials covered in this activity.

Follow-up Question

09/30/23 6:31 PM EDT

How do you know the transfusion works (cite evidence from labs/tests and from patient interaction)?

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:31 PM EDT

The transfusion worked because the patient reported feeling better than before after the procedure.

Follow-up Question

09/30/23 6:31 PM EDT


Follow-up Question

09/30/23 6:32 PM EDT

What do you do if there is no transfusion reaction but there is also no improvement in the patient’s condition?

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:32 PM EDT

The patient should be monitored closely, and an antibody screening test should be conducted.

Follow-up Question

09/30/23 6:39 PM EDT


Follow-up Question

09/30/23 6:39 PM EDT

Under what conditions would you call for more blood?

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:39 PM EDT

When a patient has severe anemia or injury that has made them lose a lot of blood.

Follow-up Question

09/30/23 6:41 PM EDT


Follow-up Question

09/30/23 6:41 PM EDT

Congratulations! You have completed the Blood Transfusion Activity for Scott Becker.


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Hello. I am xxx, I will interview and examine you.


09/18/23 1:54 PM EDT

Scott Becker.
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What brings you here today?


09/18/23 1:55 PM EDT

Scott Becker.
I’ve been having some pretty serious stomach pain. I’ve been strangely tired. And when I threw up and there was blood in it . . . I figured things were serious enough that I should finally get checked out.


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I am sorry to hear that you are….
Values are consistent with baseline measurements. Continue transfusion and observation.

Scott Becker shadow health Transcript  Question

09/30/23 6:13 PM EDT

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You have been in the room with the patient for fifteen minutes. Check the patient’s vitals and make note of any changes from your baseline observation.

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:13 PM EDT

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The patient’s baseline vitals were: Temp 37.0° C; BP 110/98; HR 110; RR 20; O2 Sat 97%.

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:13 PM EDT

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The patient’s current vitals are: Temp 37.1° C; BP 111/97; HR 108; RR 20; O2 Sat 97%

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:13 PM EDT

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Scott Becker shadow health Transcript  How are you feeling, Mr. Becker?


09/30/23 6:13 PM EDT

Scott Becker.
Scott: Still hanging around. I still don’t feel any different, which I guess is good.

Scott Becker shadow health Transcript

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You have observed the patient for fifteen minutes. The patient has had no adverse reactions and you have increased the transfusion rate to 200 mL/hr.

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:13 PM EDT

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Select the following option that explains why you increase the transfusion rate after the first fifteen minutes.

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:13 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
The transfusion rate is increased because it allows for the greatest balance between patient safety and completing the transfusion within the four hour window for transfusions.


09/30/23 6:15 PM EDT

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09/30/23 6:16 PM EDT

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After adjusting the transfusion rate, you check in with the patient following the guidelines for patient observation during transfusions set by the hospital. Keep in mind that these policies may vary from location to location, so it is best practice to familiarize yourself with these standards whenever working in a new facility.

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:16 PM EDT

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How are you feeling, Mr. Becker?


09/30/23 6:16 PM EDT

Scott Becker.
Scott: I’m still here, and I’m definitely feeling better than before Scott Becker shadow health Transcript .
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After you have had the patient report their condition, auscultate the patient’s lungs.

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:16 PM EDT

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Auscultated all areas; all areas clear and no adventitious sounds.

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:16 PM EDT

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The patient reports no signs of a transfusion reaction. The patient’s lung sounds are clear and there are no adventitious sounds.


09/30/23 6:16 PM EDT

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Why is it important to auscultate the patient’s lungs during a blood transfusion?

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:16 PM EDT

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Choose the option that best answers the question

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:16 PM EDT

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Excess fluid in the bloodstream can exit the bloodstream in the lungs, which can present audibly when the lungs are auscultated.


09/30/23 6:19 PM EDT

Preceptor Diana: Before we transfer the patient to surgery for his endoscopy, please answer the following questions:
Preceptor Diana: Had the patient’s temperature increased by less than a degree Celsius, what would your next step be?
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Select one of the following options:

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:19 PM EDT

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Continue to monitor vital signs and do not leave patient.


09/30/23 6:22 PM EDT

Preceptor Diana: If the patient’s temperature had increased by five degrees during the first fifteen minutes of observation, what actions should you immediately take?
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Stop the transfusion immediately and change all IV tubing.


09/30/23 6:26 PM EDT

Preceptor Diana: After you have stopped the transfusion and changed all the IV tubing for a patient experiencing a possible transfusion reaction, what are the next steps you should take? Scott Becker shadow health Transcript
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Notify the blood bank and the provider of the reaction. Continue to monitor the patient. Save blood bag and tubing and send it to blood bank. Obtain urinalysis and send to the lab to check for hemoglobin.


09/30/23 6:30 PM EDT

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09/30/23 6:31 PM EDT

Preceptor Diana: Please answer these last three questions in your own words. When answering, remember your scope of practice and the materials covered in this activity.
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How do you know the transfusion works (cite evidence from labs/tests and from patient interaction)?

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:31 PM EDT

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The transfussion worked because the patient reported to feeling better than before afteer the procedure


09/30/23 6:31 PM EDT

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09/30/23 6:32 PM EDT

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What do you do if there is no transfusion reaction but there is also no improvement in the patient’s condition?

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:32 PM EDT

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Patient should be monitored closely and an anti-body screening test should be conducted


09/30/23 6:39 PM EDT

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09/30/23 6:39 PM EDT

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Under what conditions would you call for more blood?

Exam Action

09/30/23 6:39 PM EDT

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When a patient has severe anemia or injury that has made them loose alot of blood Scott Becker shadow health Transcript


09/30/23 6:41 PM EDT

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09/30/23 6:41 PM EDT

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Congratulations! You have completed the Blood Transfusion Activity for Scott Becker. Scott Becker shadow health Transcript

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