Gastrointestinal system hourly rounds shadow health

Gastrointestinal system hourly rounds shadow health

Objective Data Collection

Assessed Vitals

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1 of 1 points

Blood Pressure (0.20/0.20 point)

– Normotensive
– Hypertensive
– Hypotensive

Heart Rate (0.20/0.20 point)

– No abnormal findings
– Bradycardic
– Tachycardic

Respiratory Rate (0.20/0.20 point)

– Normal
– Bradypnea
– Tachypnea

Temperature (0.20/0.20 point)

– Normothermic
– Hyperthermic
– Hypothermic

O2 Saturation (0.20/0.20 point)

– Normal
– Hypoxemia

Inspected Conjunctiva

1 of 1 points

Conjunctiva (0.50/0.50 point)

– Pink
– Moist appearance
– Pale
– Dry appearance
– Erythema
– Edema

Conjunctival Discharge (0.50/0.50 point)

– No discharge
– Clear, watery discharge
– Purulent discharge

Scott Becker shadow health Transcript

Gastrointestinal System Hourly Rounds Shadow Health

Objective Data Collection

Inspected Abdomen

1 of 1 points

Symmetry (0.33/0.33 point)

– Symmetric
– Asymmetric

Contour (0.33/0.33 point)

– Flat
– Rounded
– Protuberant
– Hollowed

Appearance (0.33/0.33 point)

– No visible abnormal findings
– Rash
– Bulging around umbilicus
– Distension
– Visible Masses

Rachel Adler Subjective Data Collection

Auscultated Abdomen

1 of 1 points

Bowel Sounds (No point)

– Absent
– Hypoactive
– Normoactive
– Hyperactive

Auscultated Breath Sounds

Gastrointestinal System Hourly Rounds Shadow Health

Objective Data Collection

1 of 1 points

Breath Sounds (0.50/0.50 point)

– Clear in all areas
– Diminished in some areas
– Absent in some areas

Adventitious Sounds (0.50/0.50 point)

– No adventitious sounds
– Wheezing
– Fine crackles
– Stridor
– Rhonchi
– Rales

Auscultated Heart Sounds

1 of 1 points

Heart Sounds (0.50/0.50 point)

– S1 and S2 audible
– S1, S2, and S3 audible
– S1, S2, and S4 audible
– S1, S2, S3, and S4 audible

Extra Heart Sounds (0.50/0.50 point)

– No extra sounds
– Gallops
– Murmur
– Friction rub
– Valve clicks

Palpated Abdomen (Light)

0.67 of 1 points

Tenderness (0.33/0.33 point)

– None Reported
– Tenderness Reported

Location of Tenderness (0.33/0.33 point)

– No quadrants tender
– Right upper quadrant
– Right lower quadrant
– Left upper quadrant
– Left lower quadrant

Observations (No point)

– No additional observations
– Masses
– Guarding
– Distension

Palpated Abdomen (Deep)

1 of 1 points

Presence of Unexpected Mass (0.50/0.50 point)

– No masses palpable
– Palpable mass

Location of Mass (0.50/0.50 point)

– No masses palpable
– Right upper quadrant
– Right lower quadrant
– Left upper quadrant
– Left lower quadrant
– Around umbilicus

Gastrointestinal System Hourly Rounds Shadow Health

Objective Data Collection

Scott Becker shadow health Transcript

Objective Data Collection
Assessed Vitals
1 of 1 points

Blood Pressure (0.20/0.20 point)

  • Normotensive
  • Hypertensive
  • Hypotensive

Heart Rate (0.20/0.20 point)

  • No abnormal findings
  • Bradycardic
  • Tachycardic

Respiratory Rate (0.20/0.20 point)

  • Normal
  • Bradypnea
  • Tachypnea

Temperature (0.20/0.20 point)

  • Normothermic
  • Hyperthermic
  • Hypothermic

O2 Saturation (0.20/0.20 point)

  • Normal
  • Hypoxemia
Inspected Conjunctiva
1 of 1 points

Conjunctiva (0.50/0.50 point)

  • Pink
  • Moist appearance
  • Pale
  • Dry appearance
  • Erythema
  • Edema

Conjunctival Discharge (0.50/0.50 point)

  • No discharge
  • Clear, watery discharge
  • Purulent discharge
Gastrointestinal system hourly rounds shadow health Objective Data Collection Inspected Abdomen
1 of 1 points

Symmetry (0.33/0.33 point)

Contour (0.33/0.33 point)

  • Flat
  • Rounded
  • Protuberant
  • Hollowed

Appearance (0.33/0.33 point)

  • No visible abnormal findings
  • Rash
  • Bulging around umbilicus
  • Distension
  • Visible Masses
Auscultated Abdomen
1 of 1 points

Bowel Sounds (No point)

  • Absent
  • Hypoactive
  • Normoactive
  • Hyperactive
Auscultated Breath Sounds Gastrointestinal system hourly rounds shadow health Objective Data Collection
1 of 1 points

Breath Sounds (0.50/0.50 point)

  • Clear in all areas
  • Diminished in some areas
  • Absent in some areas

Adventitious Sounds (0.50/0.50 point)

  • No adventitious sounds
  • Wheezing
  • Fine crackles
  • Stridor
  • Rhonchi
  • Rales
Auscultated Heart Sounds
1 of 1 points

Heart Sounds (0.50/0.50 point)

  • S1 and S2 audible
  • S1, S2, and S3 audible
  • S1, S2, and S4 audible
  • S1, S2, S3, and S4 audible

Extra Heart Sounds (0.50/0.50 point)

  • No extra sounds
  • Gallops
  • Murmur
  • Friction rub
  • Valve clicks
Palpated Abdomen (Light)
0.67 of 1 points

Tenderness (0.33/0.33 point)

  • None Reported
  • Tenderness Reported

Location of Tenderness (0.33/0.33 point)

  • No quadrants tender
  • Right upper quadrant
  • Right lower quadrant
  • Left upper quadrant
  • Left lower quadrant

Observations (No point)

  • No additional observations
  • Masses
  • Guarding
  • Distension
Palpated Abdomen (Deep)
1 of 1 points

Presence of Unexpected Mass (0.50/0.50 point)

  • No masses palpable
  • Palpable mass

Location of Mass (0.50/0.50 point)

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  • No masses palpable
  • Right upper quadrant
  • Right lower quadrant
  • Left upper quadrant
  • Left lower quadrant
  • Around umbilicus
  • Gastrointestinal system hourly rounds shadow health Objective Data Collection

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